5th April 202, Dr Chee L Khoo I have been meaning to write something about Covid-19 for weeks but as you can imagine, life have been chaotic over the last few weeks in more ways than one. First, all my travel plans were completely uprooted. I was supposed to beContinue Reading

While the number of cases of coronavirus infection in Australia remains low, it is rapidly increasing. It is no longer confined to people returning from overseas or who have been in contact with someone known to have coronavirus. ANYONE with ANY symptoms of a flu (sore throat, runny nose, cough,Continue Reading

Anecdotal evidence suggests that having a pet reduces cardiovascular mortality. Does it? You can imagine that trying to conduct a scientific can be difficult. There are many factors to consider: pre-existing risks profile of the pet owner, physical activity before and after pet ownership, marital status of the owner. Do pet ownership benefit men or women more? Well, the evidence is rather conflicting though. It is still worthwhile examining the evidence because if the benefits are there, we should be recommending pet ownership to many of all of you.Continue Reading