If you need to contact the practice during practice hours, please call us on the landline 02 9829 3033. This is the number to use to make or clarify your appointments. If you need to speak to the doctor, arrangements can be made with reception via this number. Please DO NOT call him on the mobile during practice hours.
As you can appreciate, the practice is super busy during office hours. We are unable to drop everything and attend to your requests for referral letters, prescriptions, certificates or forms at short notice. Please understand that our staff often have to attend to many duties at the practice as well as answer incoming calls. There really aren’t any spare moment.
Similarly, very rarely, would the doctor be able to drop what he is doing to attend to your call. He will return your call if this is arranged with reception during business hours. This may not happen until very late in the day.

For minor things, we will attempt to attend to your request by the end of the day. If appropriate, the doctor will return your call before the end of the day. Sometimes, it might be very late in the evening. There may be a charge involved.

Email contacts are usually of a non-urgent nature. Emails are not constantly monitored by staff or doctor. We may only answer emails at the end of the day or the next morning. Please be patient. For urgent but non-medical matters, please contact us via the landline.
Please note that emails are not secure and information between you and the practice may not be safe. Please use email at your own risk.

For more urgent but not medically critical matters, please schedule a telephone consultation with reception. There is often a charge for telephone consultation. Our staff will inform you when you make the appointment.

For medical emergencies, please call 000 and ask for an ambulance.
When the practice is closed, there are many ways of contacting Dr Khoo.